Sunday 11 June 2017

My Name Is Legion For We Are Many Mark 5:9 Luke 8:30 Part three.

The foreign legion  that is within us all, is not some Hollywood style Ghost Buster demon, rather
the more mundane but highly dangerous, self centred, selfishness, greedy type of character defects
that plague us all, and that is then coupled with total ignorance of who we really are, this combination
is a highly volatile explosive mix, which is the root cause of all  the problems on this Planet, all the
wars, tortures, millions getting killed in two world wars, the inaction with nations, who stand by while millions quietly starve to death ,and die of thirst. This all happens because of ignorance of
who we really are, which leads to the manufacturing of negative traits like rampant selfishness and
greed, these are the demons among us who need to be extinguished by us turning within ourselves
and discovering the real being, dwelling within your heart chakra.
We need to wake up from our torpor, and see what is real and what is false, you are not the ego,you
are not the mind, both our constructs created by you, these two serpents within you give rise to what
is called an unholy trinity, as when mind and ego are entwined they give birth to what you call your
personality, personality comes from the Latin word persona, which means a mask? Your personality
is NOT YOU, it is an imposter! The real YOU lies within your heart chakra and is called the SELF
this is what we all really are, when you strip all the bullshit away that we have constructed due to
our gross ignorance of our true being. The only way to find your true self, is to look within you,
there in meditation you will find that still small voice that calls out to you in times of despair and
crisis. That still small voice that we all have access to, is the voice of your soul, that immortal
part that is the real you, we are all divine beings by birth right, that is who we really are and always have been. This what i am sharing here in this blog, is my personal experience, i have lived and revealed this reality as my living experience and testament, it is not a theory, or some bullshit
idea i picked up in a comic, and the fact of the matter is this, that YOU TOO can have this
experience, the same as me, if you take up meditation, go within yourself, find out once and for all
who you really ARE! Don't take my word for it ,try it yourself, and reveal this truth to yourself
and when you do that ,you will be astounded and amazed at the beauty and radiance that lies
within you reading this blog right now.
May this realization become your own dear reader, warmest regards Michael. comments welcome,face book soul realization.

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