Saturday 10 June 2017

Masquerade Ball Of Life.

We all gather in the ballroom of life, and proceed with the dance of unknowingness, our steps are
faulty, and we often do more of a shuffle than an elegant move that glides across smoothly on the floor.
Why are we so awkward? Why so much jarring? Instead of effortlessly holding your partner and
moving in rhythmic harmony across the dance floor of life, we instead shuffle aimlessly across the
floor, and look a right mess.
Question, who do you really know? I mean the real being behind the many masks we all wear, I
would venture to say none!
Some couples have been together for years, and yet there is parts of themselves that the other never sees.
We all wear masks, one mask speaking from within its mask, to another hidden behind its mask, we
are all familiar with the product called masking tape, what is it primary role as a product? If we can
understand this connection, we may then understand about the façade  that exists within all our
lives, where we are basically a multitude of masks communicating with other masks and never to
the real beings underneath all this masquerade bullshit, is this then not the ballroom of bullshit
pretending to have substance, when in reality it is just an empty shell with a vacant mask upon it?
Millions of us go about what we think we see as our business, never in all their lives do they ever know who the real owner of their body is! We ignorantly invite thieves into our bodies, who then rob
us of all our vitality, and healthy energy, invited in by us through false assumptions and total ignorance of who we truly are.
To truly learn the dance of life, to rip off the masks of ignorance, to know how to awaken from our
very deep slumber, we need to go within ourselves, therein, deep within you, lies the real you, the
immortal self, that is who you really are, when all the masks are of, when the masquerade is over
and the ballroom stops moving with a respectful hush, then all the bullshit that you thought was true and real, will stand revealed as just smoke and mirrors, illusions cast over our ignorant gaze.
Our real inner self, the soul, who is the true owner of the vehicle you inhabit, not your personality
that you thought was the owner, that will fade away and die, whereas the real you that mask less
wonderful living jewel that is the real YOU, will live forever.
May this realization be your own, regards Michael, comments welcome,face book soul realization.

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