Sunday 11 June 2017

My Name Is Legion For We Are Many -Mark 5:9 Luke:8:30.

The name of the many demons who are legion, and are found in man to consist of selfishness in
most of what we do, say, and think, greed, gluttony, false pride, anger and resentment, envy, and all
the other character defects that we mostly display daily. The demons that live within us all are caused
by selfishness in the extreme, most caused by total ignorance of whom and what we really are.
The real demon that exists within mankind is that of total and absolute ignorance of who you really
are! That is the REAL DEMON that stalks mankind, and reduces him/her to gibbering wrecks,
pathetic specimens hollowed out and empty shells, the real life force and energy that goes with it
is sucked out of humanity by a vampires beast called selfishness and greed and complete ignorance
of true identity.
This planet called Earth home to us all, is a beautiful world if we have but eyes to see it, but what
exists within mankind is a hidden vampire that sucks the life blood out of us all, this demon is
basically ignorance of true being! Humanity is drowning in an ocean of ignorance ,this  displays
itself in the tens of millions of us who are basically empty shells, hollow men and women who try
and fill this bottomless pit with drugs,drink, porn, gluttony, gambling, wars, rage, self image,
false pride and egotistical vanity, there is truly a legion among mankind, the legion of lost and
empty souls, we are grossly over balanced, an ocean of lost souls, and just a puddle of found souls!
This legion of lost souls, that are tens of millions strong, are all calling out for  redemption and are looking for it in the wrong place, redemption cannot be found in a bottle or a drug, nor can it be found in treading on our neighbours goodwill to gain a better place for ourselves, what then is
redemption? Redemption  is basically and fundamentally knowing your true SELF, then when
you know your true self, you will automatically be redeemed and oriented into direct alignment
with universal and cosmic laws, this redemptive knowingness of ones true SELF will cause all
the defects of the self centred character to fall away by the good grace of gravity acting within
the alignment principle of self realization.
There cannot be peace on Earth and goodwill toward all mankind, until we all know who the hell
we truly are. All the time ego and selfishness are in dominance there will be wars and rumors of wars.
We can however make a start, we can become positive and take the decision to say "let it begin with me" each one of us reading this blog today, can say let it begin with me! Make a decision to wake up
look within ourselves, and find that reality that dwells deeply within us all.
In part two i will explore deeply how to exactly do this.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome, face book soul realization.

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