Wednesday 21 June 2017

Constructs-Of-Personality-Expressed. =C.O.P.E.

We are all creators, and we create much more than we ever imagine, or are ever aware of, we like
the God so many believe in are all co-creators of our expressions here on Earth.
It may come to you as a complete surprise, that you are the creator of what you are today, and  the
extent of that creation will astound you. If fact you will most likely think that what i am about to say
is utterly impossible and completely untrue, totally false, and plain ridiculous! Nevertheless though
it happens to be true, just investigate the matter fully, and you will see the truth within it.
First we need to understand who we really are, and who we really are NOT.
You are not your ego, you are not your personality, you are not your mind, what you truly are is
the self, the self, also called by many as the soul, is who you really are. and ever have been, who
you think you are is a creation a prefabrication of a construct you have made.
We are born, with a soul within us, in the heart chakra, the baby when born is basically a blank
sheet, a blank sheet is just that it is empty, what then fills this blank sheet? The blank sheet is filled
and it begins from day one, the baby sees its parents, it begins to accumulate experiences, it is from
day one taught to reach out and touch the fancy toys that dangle above it, that is the very beginnings
of forever looking outward for life's answers, and never looking inward. As the babies experiences
grow, it begins to understand certain things, like if it cries a lot, it gets attention, at around the age of
two, the birthing of the ego starts to manifest within the baby, the beginnings of the "I WANT" and
"I WANT IT NOW!" are born what we need to understand is that it is we who create this, the ego
is NOT you, you have created it! The personality, and the mind, are all constructs created by us.
What you are is the sum total of your experiences up to this day, your experiences have shaped you into what you are now, we need to understand that although our varying experiences shape us into
what we express to the world, our experiences are NOT WHO We ARE, our experiences colour
the way we act, think, and say, but they are NOT who we actually ARE! What you actually are is
a spiritual being, having a human experience! You are a living soul, a soul with a body, and NOT
a body with a soul.
We have manifested a trinity of expressions within us, which we then believe quite falsely are who
we really are, again i state it very clearly, you are not the ego, you are not the personality ,you  are
not the mind. What you truly are is a Divine soul, having a human experience.
In part two,i will explore this further.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome. face book soul realization

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