Thursday 8 June 2017

Pseudo Self Ego Mind Centred Head- Authentic Self Centred Heart Chakra.

We as human beings are dual in nature and this duality is replicated within our psyche by the
twin nature of what we commonly call ourselves, although mostly unknown to the vast majority
of us, is the fact that we have a dual self representation, there is the pseudo self, which the vast
majority of us consider to be the real and what's more the real self, also known as ones personality
which is nothing more that the ego's vision of what it has created within you, and expressed by
its willing cohort the mind!
The authentic and real SELF is almost unknown and unrecognised within the vast majority of
human beings here on this planet. It is truly astounding how deep this ignorance goes, imagine
living with someone for the whole of your life, seventy or eighty years and knowing absolutely
nothing about them, other than their name and occupation!! That is what most people know about
themselves, name, rank, and serial number! Who they really are, totally clueless and ignorant!
Are you dear reader of this blog one of those clueless ones? If you are honest with yourself and say
yes that's me! Then you are in the right place, and an answer will be forthcoming as to who is the real
You are not the personality, you are not the ego, you are not the mind, what you really are, and the
part of you that is authentic and true is your true SELF, that is located within your heart chakra
and exists in the Etheric realm, which is also part of your etheric body, that electric blue flame that
totally encircles the physical body. If you have had heart surgery the surgeon will not see or detect
the Etheric self that lies there within, the etheric realm is slightly out of phase with the physical
dimension, and vibrates at a much higher level  than the physical plane.
The authentic and true SELF is who you really are at your core being, then wrapped around this
core is the twin serpents ego and mind, these two dancing deceptions weave an  illusory  web around
your true being, and you then become blinded to what you truly are.
Your ego and mind are both constructs of the collection of all your experiences from birth, all your
memories, all your parents and friends told you ,all  you have witnessed from birth and have computed into your brain, and stored as facts and remembered experiences. That is what your ego
and mind actually is, a collection of remembered experiences! In meditation deep, no thoughts, no mind, no mind no ego, both are just constructs of your collected experiences.
In part two i will explore deeper into this and explain how you can contact your authentic self.
may this realization  become vouchsafed within you, regards Michael. comments welcome, face book page soul realization.

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