Tuesday 20 June 2017

Underlying Forces Operating. U.F.O.

We are completely surrounded by "ufo's underlying forces operating within and around us, and are
mostly completely unaware of this happening. The human being is basically, fundamentally, and
actually, a huge collection of energy fields, all  operating at varying levels of vibration.
It is an illusion to think of us as solid beings, we operate rather more like a liquid than any solid.
The vast majority of our make up is in liquid form, we are like liquid energy units, charged with
electrical forces that propels things like our muscular frameworks and cranial activity.
Never mind looking "out there" for UFO activity, you are the UFO the one reading this blog right now.
Many energies circulate and percolate through the human body, many science basically understands
but also, there are many other energies that impact upon us, that as yet science is completely unaware
of, science does not yet understand our etheric electrical body, which is an electric blue fire, that radiates around the whole physical body, roughly an inch or so surrounding completely the physical
body. There is an experiment that you can all try to see your etheric body, hold your thumb and forefinger slightly apart, and look through the slight gap between the two, if you look closely you will
see a blue light, which is the electric fire, or light of your etheric body .It  is easier seen if you have a darker background.
This etheric body is the energy that keeps us well, provided of course that we are in harmony within
ourselves. Illness first shows itself within the etheric body ,it  shows itself as dark patches within a vivid blue light, the dark patch that materializes within the etheric body first hovers over the area that
will soon become affected within the physical body. All this occurs quite automatically, we are mostly completely ignorant and aware of its inner workings.
However, there are things that we can do that can cause these energies to become more harmonious
and blend into a pattern that will eliminate did-ease and dis-comfort from us, and from our etheric
Meditation is the science of energy unification and also the science of an inner alchemy that will
ultimately transform and transfigure a basic human being, into a spiritually aware fully conscious
being, who not only becomes soul conscious, but ultimately also self conscious, that is the power
of energy being focussed by our consciousness, and like a laser beam it makes us coherent, energy,
rather than our usual state of incoherent energy.
So dear reader, do you want to remain incoherent energy? Or become focussed and coherent?
The choice as always is yours!
may this realization become your own, regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com. comments welcome,face book soul realization.

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