Sunday 4 June 2017

Five Elemental Layers That Maketh Mankinds Expression.

We are all layered beings, consisting of layer one, the physical body, which has the element of
Earth within it, layer two, mental body, this has the element air within it, layer three, the egotistic
body, that is the home of the "I," and has the element water within it, layer four, which is the
emotional body, has the element of fire within it. And lastly layer five is the SELF or commonly
called the soul, and within this expression of our true inner Divine self, is the master element which
is called the fifth element that being the ETHER, or Etheric element.
Man is actually made up of five basic elements, which are Earth, Air Water; Fire, plus the fifth  element that of the Ether, he also has seven dimensional bodies of expression, the physical body being the lowest, this makes the complete number of man to be twelve, and man can be represented
as a twelve pointed star.
Unfortunately for us in general, none of this reality based facts of being are ever taught or mentioned
in our educational system, so the vast majority of us do not know who the hell we are ,and  many
possibly could not give a toss about who they really are! I have better things to Do than know who I really am? That is the lament of so many of us, we almost seem to embrace our ignorance with a reassuring hope that all will be ok in the end ! Do we feel some how safe in our ignorance of self,
are we not firmly locked within a warm and cosy cocoon? afraid to draw the curtains in case too much light enters our being? i too was like this until i was blasted out of my ignorant complacency
by a major crisis arising in my life, that almost killed me, this crisis caused me to ask the question
just who the hell am i ? i then proceeded to find out, and have done over forty odd years. We can all
find out who we are, by changing our focus from forever looking out ward, to starting to look inward
by taking up the practice of either meditation or yoga, when you do this you orient yourself into alignment with inner energies that will eventually assist you into knowing exactly who you are.
You will eventually discover that you are not your mind, and you are not your ego either, rather
what you are is the Divine self that lies within the core of your being, located within your heart centre
which is the element of the Ether, or the Etheric, therein lies the real you, and not the cardboard
cut out that we think is us!!!!!!!
May this experience of knowing become real for you. regards Michael comments welcome face book soul realization.

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