Sunday 25 June 2017

All Human Feelings Arise From One Cause Absence Of Unification.

There is within all of mankind a deep and incessant longing, an inner emptiness that waits to be filled. Millions of us spend our entire lifetime looking for where this inner longing will take them.
All of our emotions and feeling are born from within the depth of this inner longing, we are forever
searching for something that will satisfy this yearning, this longing that will if we find it, we will be forever happy and content, the trouble with that idea is that we never really find it!
There is a great empty space within us, and it demands filling! Some turn to all manner of addictions
whether it be drugs, alcohol, or sex, or whatever other addiction you find, others look for an ideal
partner, and if they are fortunate enough to find one, imagine that they are then totally fulfilled and
no longer longing for anything. This however does not last that long, thoughts of what will I do if they die, come in, and other longings  gradually resurface. All loneliness and there are millions of
us who are desperately lonely, melancholiness is another form of this great unease that exist within
us all. The great tragedy of this longing and emptiness is that because of the way we have been brought up and educated, we are never told or instructed as to what is the cause of this great longing
within the human race, and because of this vast ignorance we all pay the price of forever
unknowing what is the actual root cause of this desperate longing, and we therefore spend our
entire lives searching for ways to fulfil this empty incomplete feeling within us.
If we trace back within our psyche for the root cause of all feelings and emotions, including the
very dominant ones of fear, anger, greed etc we will find that they all stem from a root cause
that enters into our consciousness and informs us that we are dis-united, from unity, now this
information is not actually true, as that would be totally impossible, however, because we have
the illusion of separation, and our awareness and consciousness is much dumbed down and clothed
within a physical body, we ignorantly accept this position, and then spend our lives looking for ways
to fill this longing, we all want to feel safe and secure, we crave security ,we  all want to feel joy,
and be filled with confidence, and a healthy life style. We all need and want to be loved and accepted
as we are ,these  are basic human needs, and what often thwarts this, is that inner longing and empty
feeling, none of us can be blamed for this ignorance of not knowing the source of this feeling of
great longing, we were never educated in that teaching, and our parents, bless them, they did not
know either, in the next part I will go into it deeply what dis-union actually means.
may the realization of self be your today, warm regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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