Tuesday 13 June 2017

Theories Versus Actual Living Experiences.

There are more theories than there are grains of sand on any given beach, theories abound and have
done for centuries, some theories eventually coalesce into proven fact, others are just forgotten.
The big difference i feel between theories and experiences are that you can argue with theories
and say this cannot be so, but you cannot really argue with personal experiences, unless of course
you are just one who delights in argument, and does not fully understand the vast difference between
the two.
There are religious theories that say life is eternal and that you go to heaven when you die, if you believe what they preach that is! There are also academic theories that say things like the human
soul cannot be proved, but its ok to believe in it, if you want! How generous can you get?
In my personal experiences i know without a shadow of doubt that we all have an immortal soul
i know this because i have personally experienced contact with the soul within me, and do so on a regular basis, and what's more so can you reading this today, if you only took the trouble to take
up meditation, go within yourself, keep doing this daily, and eventually you too will make telepathic
contact with your soul.
i have personal experience of life continuing beyond the grave, and have spoken to dozens of
dead people over the years, as i was a medium for many years, and was able to access contact
both by clairvoyance, and  telepathically.
It is not a theory that we are all immortal  souls, it is a fundamental fact of being-ness, i have
experienced this, and many other i have known have experienced this fact too. Our physical
body is just a vehicle for the soul to gain purchase on this dense dank world, our souls are a
universal principle, an eternal principle of Divine manifestation, you physical body is not a
principle, and will return to the elements from whense it came after it dies.
The difference and it is very vast between theories and experience is this, you cannot look into
a theory and find yourself! But you can look into yourself and find your soul!! We as human
beings are the embodiment of reality, at our core of being, we are a living UNIVERSAL
PRINCIPLE that of the soul, theories exist solely within the mind, which you will find out if you
look within and practice meditation, is false and as unreal as the ego also is.
Anyone reading this too can replicate my experiences, by going within yourself ,practice  meditation
keep on doing it daily ,do  not give up, persevere with this noble endeavour, and then you too will
get in touch with your own Divine soul, and when that wonderful days arrives for you, and it will,
believe me, you will be overjoyed and full of wonderful emotional tears of joy.
may this realization become your own, warmest regards Michael,
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com comments welcome,face book soul realization.

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