Wednesday 28 June 2017

The Only Way Out Is In.

In the autumn of 1974 my mind was in a great turmoil and I was full of abject fear and blind panic
the only way out of this I thought was to seek oblivion, to commit suicide, to get the hell out of this
mental pain and emotional torture that I was experiencing, while this was happening I was walking
along a road in a coastal city in the UK, i came upon a bridge that was over a tidal estuary where i
knew that the current there was very fast flowing, and several  people had drowned there over the years, the idea came upon me to climb up and jump of this precipice, as that i thought would solve all
my problems instantly, as i then began to make my way up onto the bridge edge, ready to jump, a loud and very clear voice within me said, if you jump into that estuary and drown, you will then have
an additional problem!! You will have exactly all the same problems and anguish you had before the
drowning, plus an additional one that you have vacated your physical body, and will then be left with
your astral body, and still be in the same mental turmoil as you were before! And what's more you will no longer be able to ask any of your friends for help, because to them you will be dead, and
out of sight! The best you could hope for is that they would feel a shiver run up their spine, and say something like, "someone has just walked over my grave"! All this happened with the inner voice
within a few seconds, but so much was transmitted within me in that short space of time, it was like
lots of information compressed within. i then climbed down from the bridge and went home.
I realized that this voice that spoke to me, was that still small voice of the soul, this encounter
on the bridge, opened up a whole new world of spiritual and psychic experiences for me that have lasted well over the past forty years. The main reason i had so much pain and turmoil in my life
was because of my addiction to alcohol, this i dealt with by joining a fellowship that helps ones like me, i have personally witnessed what happens if you fully commit to suicide and succeed, i was at
a meeting of fellows who all had the same problem as me, this was many years ago now, but it is still
clear in my head, as i was sat there a young man rushed into the room ,he  was rushing around the room shouting to all those sat there, and everybody completely ignored him, he got frantic and was
screaming at the top of his voice, "Why the fuck are you all ignoring me!? The reason why he was being ignored was because he was dead! And completely invisible to all in the room except me, and
that experience moved me greatly, it pointed out very clearly what would have happened to me,had
i jumped of that bridge, i was fortunate by the grace of the great spirit to have that still small voice
that saved my life, that other poor soul seemed not to have heard it.
In part two i will explain clearly that the only way out ,is by going within ourselves.
warmest regards Michael, comments welcome, face book soul realization.

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