Thursday 1 June 2017

Being Apart From Self Causes Painful Emptiness. Part Two.

How many of us reading this has encountered what is commonly called  "the dark night of the soul"
where all seemed to be lost, and utter despair lay around us, can you identify  with this dear reader?
Perhaps if we lived in Syria or some other war torn state we would better identify. instead are we
living a fulfilling life? Whole and complete! If so then read no further ,you  obviously have far better things to do than read any further here. i bid you farewell, and God speed.
If on the other hand you feel empty inside, have a deep and powerful yearning for something, but
you cannot quite put your finger on it. then you are in the right place, there are always reasons for things that happen to us, it is just that we do not know what they are. The first thing we need to understand, and eventually accept wholeheartedly is who we really are! Now i want you to fully
understand what i am about to say to you. This is not bullshit, something i read in a comic, it
is something that i have personally experienced and continue to experience every day, and what's
more you too, can personally experience it as a living reality  in your life tooo!!!  If you want
it that is. What we are in truth and reality is living immortal souls, enclosed within a physical vehicle
the human body. WE are separated from our divine unified WHOLENESS by the fact of our
gross ignorance of our true reality and nature. If we embark upon the practice of meditation as i
did forty four years ago, by going within ourselves, we actually find our true self the soul, when
you have been troubled, fearful, feeling very isolated and apart from life, you will have heard that
reassuring inner voice, "that still small voice within you "the  voice that speaks to you when you truly
need help or guidance, that same very voice is your soul, the higher self, by going within and making
a daily practice of meditation, you too will find this reality living deep within you, you do not have to take my word for it ,put  it to the test yourself, and if you persist in this life enhancing endeavour
then you will know that what i have said here is true, if you get fed up and become fascinated by some brighter piece of tinsel, life will most assuredly refund all you misery in full!!
Our emptiness and longing to be whole can only be fulfilled by going within and finding your
Divinity and Soul, there is no other way, all else will turn to ashes in your mouth after a time, our
souls send out beacons of light to try and catch our attention ,if  that does not work, then a crisis
or two will pay us a visit,  again trying to catch our attention, and make us look within ,instead  of
forever looking outward at illusion and infantile fascinations.
May this realization become yours dear reader, regards Michael. comments welcome,soul realization page  face book
meditation lessons for beginners there free.

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