Thursday 1 June 2017

Being Apart From Self Causes Painful Emptiness.

Carl Gustav Jung, the man who did great work in uncovering the human psyche, and author of many
books on how the mind and emotions are intertwined, once said in his opinion, that alcoholism could
be seen as a low level thirst for God, I would venture to add to this and suggest that all our various
maladies and addictive behaviours are indeed a thirst for union with the self within.
If we look at the root cause of all the feelings that engulf mankind, what is the most common one
that stands well out from the rest? i would venture to suggest that the feelings of inadequacy,
feeling empty inside, loneliness, feeling apart from something, but not sure what!  Feeling unloved
and how empty that makes you feel. Longing for some form of total union, and never finding it.
If any of you reading this identify with what has been said, then the hunger for union has been
stalking you for some time, there is a solution that will remove this hunger, and feed you with
the nourishment of inner contact with your higher self.
We ALL have a thirst for unification with source, because that is where we are from, our true home
is within the source in full waking consciousness? We all have this thirst for unification, to feel and
be WHOLE and COMPLETE again. However, we are faced with an almighty ignorance of our
true being, there is what could be called robust denial on a grand scale, of anything spiritual or
wholesome, rather we are fed a load of verbal diarrhoea from the various media outlets who want you to remain asleep, like a zombie, and buy all the materialist crap they are peddling your way.
Maybe its not trendy to become awake and embrace reality? Perhaps the pressure to keep you asleep
is winning? If you dear reader of this blog, have got this far in reading this, without being distracted
by something utterly fascinating, then there is hope for you.
We need to all realize that what we really are is not what you have been told, we need to accept that
we are all Divine beings, immortal souls, clothed within a physical body, that real life is eternal and that the real you is part of the Absolute intelligence of this universe, the reason why we feel so empty
inside is simply because we LONG for Unification with the WHOLE, that is the fundamental
reality of all  human dis-ease, we all long for wholeness and union,but our gross ignorance of just
who the hell we are, escapes us! In part two,we will explore the solution much more.
may this realization become your own, regards Michael, comments welcome,face book soul realization.

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