Saturday 24 June 2017

Mankinds Evolutionary Arc Is Based On A Crucifixion Cycle.

Crucifixion has occurred within mankind millions of times over thousands of years, i do not mean
the barbaric physical crucifixion as practiced by the Roman Empire, in where Jesus was its most
famous victim, in which the whole Christian religion was founded, no i do not mean that kind of
crucifixion, rather the one i mean is the crucifixion of the "I" The ego.
We all live many lives, and our journey to full self realization is a long and arduous one, involving
many incarnations into this valley of tears. For most of our incarnations we are fully "I" centred,
the ego is up front and calling all the shots. As we journey along this road of eventual self discovery
we encounter along the way many obstacles, some of which will baffle us, and some will wipe us out and kill us. Each encounter along  the way is stored within your self aware level of consciousness,
and is carried forward into each of your lives, you may not physically remember these experiences
but they are subconsciously submerged within your psyche and reveal themselves in your hunches,
likes and dislikes, and what attracts and repels you.
On one particular life, maybe this very one you are living now ,we  may feel a stirring within us,
perhaps a restless feeling, a discontent, sometimes called a "divine discontent "or  we will be floored
by yet another crisis that assails us, when we feel like this, dejected and down, totally pissed of with
our life, we do not know which way to turn, we have our backs up against the wall and no place
to turn to, then it happens! We hear that still small voice within us, the voice of our soul it whispers
reassuring comforting words to us, we may then break down and cry, we feel the pressure upon us
is magically lifted, suddenly in those few moments of whispering reassuring peace hope is born in our hearts. This has been the experience of millions of us, but when it happens personally to you
then you cherish that wonderful moment, and feel quite rightly that it is unique to you. Often when
this happens it awakens a natural curiosity that had long been dead within you, where did that reassuring voice come from? You may well be tempted to share this experience with a close friend
or partner. You may wonder if this has happened to others, who were in a crisis, or seriously ill.
Your newly awakened curiosity will perhaps lead you to examine your own life, am i happy with the way things are?  This may well lead you to begin looking within yourself, rather than forever looking out side of yourself, after all did not that still small voice emanate from within me?
In part two will look more closely at how to deal with the "I" of the ego.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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