Sunday 18 June 2017

Grim Reaper Loves Our Ignorance His Scythe Is Red Hot.

In this western world our education system seems to consist of stuffing ones head full of
information, then being able to regurgitate it at exams times, then leave education and then
promptly forget it. Our heads are filled with dry knowledgeable facts and figures, that all stem from
the head, the brain, there is hardly if ever teaching about ones feelings, and the matters of the heart.
Wisdom resides within the heart, and not within the head, yet we are mainly informed about dry
intellectual things, and completely lack the moisture that arises in heartfelt emotions.
Because of our basic ignorance of how to live a healthy balanced life, the grim reaper is working
overtime cutting down countless millions of lives every year, his scythe is glowing red hot!!
We are not told in school or college that we are three fold beings, physical, mental, and spiritual,
instead our heads are filled with useless crap, that will come back at you later and bite your ass!
We are not told that we each have within us an immortal soul, which is the vehicle of the Divine
self, that resides within our heart chakra, and that our physical bodies are a vehicle for our divine
soul. We are not told anything about who we truly are!!!! In this year of 2017ad, do you not find
it truly amazing that our governmental departments of education teach absolutely ZERO ZILCH
about who you TRULY ARE, and fill your heads instead with puerile bullshit that will come back
and haunt you later in life, reflected in all the dis-eases that manifest within mankind.
The grim reaper cannot sharpen his scythe fast enough, to keep up the demand of blinded souls
who fall foul of this sickening ignorance.
Because we all have been failed, in getting an education that is grounded in reality, rather than bullshit ,we  are all in the mess we are in, what can be done about it? i feel passionately about this
and that's why i write these blogs, all you parents out there, bringing up your children, who will
have no education as to who they really are, and will in the near future, be like lambs to the slaughter
as they are assailed by the pressures of life, totally unprepared, and unknowing of their true identity.
If you now reading this, can accept that what is being shared hear by me, is from the heart, i feel
for the lost ones, i have experienced this, and been lost myself, if you can accept the truth that you
and all humanity are divine souls, if you look within yourself ,and  practice meditation ,you
 will soon realize the truth i am sharing with you all now.
Find out this truth within yourself, then when you do, share it with all your friends, help me to
get this vital message out to mankind, and give the grim reaper a well deserved rest!
May this dawning awake within you. regards Michael. comments welcome face book  soul realization.

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