Monday 26 June 2017

All Human Feelings Arise From One Cause Absence Of Unification. Part Three.

We all cry out for union, to feel and be completely WHOLE, but through our ignorance and lack
of any real education about who and what we truly are, we are bewildered by this inner longing
and search in all the wrong places for fulfilment, and never finding it throughout our entire life.
We instinctively know deep within us, and have a vague memory buried deep within our consciousness, of a unity that we once enjoyed, but the illusion of separateness  descended upon
us as we were funnelled into a form of a human being, and born upon this Earth plane. All
memory and consciousness about that life within unity, was wiped clean, and you were then
about to experience, the experience of feeling apart from total unity, and what that actually felt
like! Although the illusion of separateness feels very real to us, we are in fact always connected
to the Source of all life, that connection exists within the heart chakra of every human being on this planet, however because we are never taught about the reality of just who the hell we are, and are
therefore in total ignorance of this fundamental reality, we never look to the place where this deep
inner longing arises from. Wonderfully however there are thousands all over the world who have
taken up meditation and are beginning to look within themselves, and will therefore eventually find
that source of inner longing. Although it may be difficult for you to accept, we all chose to come here
and experience first hand that feeling of apart from Wholeness actually felt like. it is a learning
experience, gathering experience, learning about sharing and loving, feeling compassion, forgiveness,
we can only really learn and understand these things by coming here, and having our wider vision
and consciousness curtailed by enclosing it in a body and given it five senses that all focus outward?
We live mostly looking outward, until pain and crisis come into our life, and cause us to look within
it is here that we begin the journey back to wholeness and unification with spiritual unity.
Please, please, understand that what I have shared here in this blog on unity, is from my own personal
experience, I have experienced the unity with the whole ,i have experienced conscious contact with
the soul within us all. and have met many others who have had the same experience as me. this is not
a theory, whether you have a soul or not! You  need to fully understand that your primal reality is
this; first you are a soul, having a human experience on Earth. not the other way round!!
If you dear reader of this blog, take the time and effort to look deeply within your self, you then will
know that what I have shared here is absolutely true, because you dear reader will experience the same reality within your being ,then  you will know once and for all, as to where that inner longing
stems from within all of humanity.
I pray that this reality dawns within you this day,warmest regards Michael. comments welcome, face book soul realization.

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