Thursday 29 June 2017

Actually-Meditation-Expresss-Numinosity. =A.M.E.N. Part Two,

Meditation is the science of becoming, becoming what you may ask! Becoming eventually after
many hours meditating, who you really are. You are not who you think you are, what you will
actually find out, if you persist in your endeavour with meditation, is that you are a spiritual being
actually having a human experience, you will discover that you are an immortal soul and have
always been so.
When you take up regular meditation, and get firmly into the routine, things will begin to happen
and occur to you, these "things" that will begin happening to you are just inklings of your true self
seeping into your consciousness. You will find yourself becoming more intuitive and aware, you
intuition will start to fire up, (by the way, the actual meaning of intuition, is to be taught from within?) So just ask yourself the question, what is it within me, that is teaching me this? The answer
you will eventually find out is your higher self the soul.
As you get deeper into your meditation you will become aware that your consciousness is expanding
and becoming more inclusive in nature. Your perceptions will become more acute and penetrating
your all round sensitivity will become more aware and alert.
All these signs and many more indicate that you are drawing closer to the source of your being, if
you ask your inner self, in your quiet meditation, who am I? just ask that question, and if you do
eventually you will receive an answer. It is a crying shame that millions of us spend our entire lives
from birth to death and never once know who we really are! This blog in its small way will I hope
help diminish the amount of ignorance there is out there! About our true identity, and the beauty
of this what I am sharing here, is that you don't have to take my word for it, just try meditation
yourself, stick at it for a while, and this reality what I am sharing now, will begin to unfold within
your life as well as it did in mine. As I have said many times dear reader, this is not a theory this
is not something I read in a book ,it is my actual living conscious experiences of realizing the soul
within us all, and what's more you can do the very same thing yourself, yes you reading this right now! It is open for us all to realize, if we make the effort and look within long enough ,We have
all been hidden away for far too long, it is time for mankind to wake up from his profound
lethargy, stop looking out here for answer, and finally look within, and find that spiritual soul
that dwells within your heart chakra, and is patiently awaiting to meet and greet you!!!
May this realization become your own,
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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