Thursday 22 June 2017

Making-Inner-Notional-Data. =M.I.N.D.

The egoic mind is not You! You are a living soul. Consciousness is not mind, awareness is not mind,
what then is mind? Mind is a construct created by you through the ego. The brain is a biological
computer. electrical impulses within the brain manifest waves of energy, these notions are downloaded into your egoic personality and are unscrambled into logical thoughts, what then is a
thought? A thought is a packet of energy containing a notion of something which is then translated
into a sequence of understanding, by your brain and egoic personality.
Here are a few things that are usually associated with mind, but are not at all related in truth.
The will to be, is not mind, consciousness is not mind, awareness is not mind, intelligence is not mind, life is not mind, and lastly and most importantly, YOU are not mind!
What then is this thing called MIND? When you use the word "I" that is the mind, the mind is just
a construct of the EGO that is why it is often called the egoic mind. We have all been totally conditioned from birth to live and believe this lie, and not know any difference, we in fact embrace
this lie, and in some cases defend it with our lives.
When we say "I" AM this or that, that is the ego talking, which you think is this thing called mind,
we have created this thing called mind, which acts as a vehicle for the ego to use.
When we begin to develop awareness, and catch glimpses of something within us, perhaps through
an intervening crisis within our life, we may then hear the whisper of the still small voice within us,
that whisper is your soul calling out for you to take notice. It is enticing you to look within yourself
so that you can finally reveal who you really are.
You are not the ego, you are not the mind, you are not the personality ,what  you are is a divine soul
having a human experience, and hopefully learning something from the journey.
The human construct of the "I" which means the EGO holds billions of humanity in captivity, we are
all slaves of the "I"ness of the ego, which feeds this construct called the mind, and in so doing causes
all the wars and misery that plague the human race. Our egos kill millions of our brothers and sisters
every year, and so it has been happening for centuries past. can some of us at least wake up? can we
re-cognise these imposters within us, can we deflate our ego's ? Can we look within ourselves and find that reality that resides within us all? Can we begin to live as SOULS, rather than ego driven
mind driven beings? If we look within ourselves, we will find the truth and the reality that lies within
there, then we will be on the road to WHOLENESS, rather than the HOLE NESS that we were on before.
May this reality dawn within you this day, warmest regards Michael. comments welcome, face book soul realization.

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