Friday 2 June 2017

Become Aware When Emotions Surface.

Feelings come from the heart, thoughts arise in the head. The majority of us live in our heads, that's why the world is in such a mess, head centred egotism and selfishness, all arise and fall in the head.
In fact in we all lost our heads, the world would be much more pleasant!!
There are two serpents that dwell within mankind, they are called the ego, and the mind, both of these
serpents again dwell within the brain, they are like miniature representatives, of the universal law of
Ying and Yang, as the universe operates of a dualistic nature, Ying and Yang being positive, and negative charges, with a neutral charge as the balancing agent. As with the macrocosm then so with
the microcosm, our balancing neutral charge lies in our hearts, and is the home of our emotions at
the surface level, and deeper much deeper within the heart chakra, lies the soul, or higher SELF.
When we are touched by emotion, it is felt within the heart, it is not thoughts, although they will arise after the emotional tide starts to abate, then thoughts and ego will try and understand how this
happened. The ego will try and justify itself, if it thinks it done wrong, and the mind will analyse
events and agree on the justifications, two cohorts working in tandem.
If we become aware of our emotions, and then look deeper within them, we will become aware of
a seat of consciousness there within the heart, we can with practice bring our attention out of our heads, and lower it into the heart centre, there will then arise the faculty of heart centred consciousness , emotional, rather than head centred consciousness, intellectual, which is ego centred
and often selfishly centred.
We can never find our true identity from within the head, and the reason for that is that the ego will not permit that to occur, and it will use all of your individual life experiences against you to stop you
from venturing any further into self-discovery, because the ego knows full well that if you pursue
this course of action, it days of being king of the hill are numbered.
Beyond ego and mind lies the real YOU the SELF or soul, your mind and ego are constructs of
your making, we all weave these two serpents around ourselves, and become hopelessly lost amid their coiled embrace, by entering into our heart centre, becoming consciously aware in that centre
activating the emotions that stem from your heart ,and  deeper still from your eternal soul.
The saying let your "conscience be your guide" the seat of your  conscience is NOT in your head
but it dwells within your heart centre! Your emotions are eternal aspects of Divinity, and
eventually coalesce into unconditional love.
Your thoughts are just images of the ego which is an energy based on memory and gathered
experiences from birth till now, and is temporal by nature and dies when the vehicle is vacated.
Your mind is not your brain, the brain  wonderful that is, is just a biological computer that regulates
the physical body in order for the soul to have experience here. That's all it is!
May your emotional awareness grow deeper, regards Michael. comments welcome, face book soul realization.

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