Sunday 25 June 2017

Mankinds Evolutionary Arc Is Based On A Crucifixion Cycle Part Three.

There is a ancient rite of passage within mankind, this rite of passage is largely unknown in this
present age, it is the rite of passage each being eventually takes, it this lifetime, or another, we will
all arrive at this rite of passage one day, it begins with the awakening of an inner curiosity, usually
after the result of a crisis, or some extraordinary event that occurred to you, and made you sit down and think deeply about what life actually means?
The rite of passage is the journey we take, from going within ourselves, usually through meditation
but not always, and beginning to realize a whole new dimension within us, that we never knew existed, when we go deeper into this inner world, we begin to invoke a process that will eventually
lead us into being born again, without having to enter the womb twice! We will then no longer be
just human beings, we will have awoken to the realization that we are also spiritual beings, who each
have within themselves, that still small voice, that voice is your immortal soul, the real YOU, and
NOT the physical body, or vehicle that you as a soul now occupy.
The biggest obstacle that stands in your way to achieving this realization is that "I" of the ego, which
fears greatly that if you progress any further in this most noble endeavour it will loose its place as being "king of the hill" and that it will not allow to happen! So there can be a battle Royale taking
place within you, who will win? If you have taken up something like meditation, at first your ego
may even encourage you and say "what a great idea this is" but as soon as you make progress into
the inner world of consciousness, it fears it will loose its grip, and will then try and undermine your
efforts, and try and get you to stop what you are doing. The ego then becomes like a frightened
little child, and wants to remain top dog. But as long as the "I" of the ego remains dominant within
you, then you will reach a point where you can go no further, it is at this point of inner realization
that we begin to understand the need to crucify the ego on the cross of arising soul awareness.
We need to fully understand what is occurring here, when the term kill the ego is used, it actually
means to drastically curtail its influence, upon your daily life, it is impossibly to actually kill
something, that only exists within our minds? When the ego is deflated at depth, it then allows us
to go deeper within, without the bothersome influence of the ego interfering. It is within that sacred
place within our heart centre, that the process of this very ancient rite of passage occurs, it is within
this place that we are born again, we rise from the dead of being just physical and mental, and are
reborn in the spiritual, making us the fully three fold being, physical, mental, and spiritual.
May this realization become your own,
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome, facebook soul realization.

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