Wednesday 10 July 2024



This bog today entitled YOUR SELF is about us being able to answer the question 

of who is this "YOUR" that has a "SELF"? Who are you, do you Know?  You know

your name and your occupation , but who are YOU! When we look deeply within

ourselves we then begin to get an idea that "WE" are far more than we first imagined.

How are we presented upon this planet, do you know? Mankind is presented in a three

fold sequence of being a physical-mental -and spiritual being. All of mankind is very

familiar with the first two being the physical and mental, but many of us are not that

familiar with our spiritual dimension. If we are not locked into our trinity based 

expression , then we are not fully COMPOS MENTIS" of our fully INTEGRITY 

expression sequence. For YOUR SELF to be fully expressed we all need to be firing

on all three cylinders of expression, if we are unaware or unawake of the spiritual 

dimension of our full expression , then we are not fully loaded into our full life 

expression. We are in effect and in fact "half-cocked"  and not fully loaded into

our full life experience of being. MAN KNOW THYSELF as the ancient GREEKS

stated on their temple of APOLLO in DELPHI. To  know ourselves we have to look

within , we can do this  by taking up meditation or yoga. Mankind are all Spiritual

beings ,we need to look within and find that Spirit SELF within you.. We have two

SELF'S one is the lower ego centred  personality self, which gives us the false 

impression of us being or having individuality., and then we have the HIGHER SELF

which is who you really are, OUR HIGHER SELF is that of Divine Absolute Intelligence

our eternal real BEING. "WE" are all SELF in transit upon this planet Earth gathering

experiences of tangible life. Within you now dear reader of this blog is the ANSWER

to who you really are, which is Divine Immortal SELF.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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