Tuesday 2 July 2024



This blog today entitled WISDOM is about our being able to understand just exactly

what wisdom really is, and how can we connect to this wisdom that dwells within each

one of us? We need to fully understand that we are not here to learn wisdom , rather we

are here to UNCOVER wisdom that lies within each one of us. The truth is that we are

all the very embodiment of wisdom and we know it NOT!  Human life is about uncovering

from what lies deep within ourselves, we do this by our interactions with others and the

experiences that we gather from those interactions. We have two aspects of being within

us all one is the lower self ego centred self which is our personality and the idea of being

an individual, the other is your Higher SELF which is who you really are. By taking up

meditation or yoga you can begin a journey that will eventually reveal that all universal

wisdom lies within you right NOW!  All you have to do to gain access to this font of

all knowing , to gain access to all wisdom and to reveal your higher Divine SELF , we

need to be still within ourselves , to let go of all thoughts and seek out this inner silence

when all is still within us , this inner silence will begin to unlock the doorway to your

intuition which will then begin to teach you who you really are. We are all universal

beings having a localized experience within a human vehicle body, but our inner

SPIRIT is universal and has access to all wisdom. We can uncover  this from within 

our inner being. There is a veil  of ignorance that hides this truth from us, this is why

we need to go within and meditate in silence , which then begins to peel away these

layers of ignorance and reveal the real YOU who you really are. WISDOM is about 

finding your true eternal inner HIGHER SELF.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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