Sunday 21 July 2024



This blog today  spells out the word SPIRIT is about a procedure that will permit

the SEEKER to gain access to the inner PRESENCE of that ardent seeker being.

The word SPIRIT which is here broken down to spell out the word title of this blog,

means that in "ESSENCE" "WE" all of humanity are that very thing (SPIRIT).

Seeking that presence means looking within your SELF by  practicing meditation 

or yoga, being able to let go of all thoughts and be able to enter into the silence

within you. When you have mastered this ability of stilling all your thought and

entered into the deep inner silence , then you will be in a place of silence which

will begin to pen an inner door within you which will give you access to your 

INTUITION faculty this awakening into your contact with your INTUITION

is the GATEWAY to beginning to FEEL that inner Divine Presence. We all 

have this divine presence within us, BUT our constant focus OUTWARDS and

our heads full of endless chatter, close of any access to our inner REAL SELF.

Our lower self the ego and personality will not any door within , and just keep

you in permanent ignorance of your true immortal HIGHER SELF. Awakening

only comes when we open up that invisible door within our being. Our

Intuition which is our PERSONAL GURU  which will lead us out from ignorance

of SELF (SPIRIT) and into a place that inner SEEKING reveals which is your

Immortal inner Higher Self.  THE FEELING of the PRESENCE within you is

that of Divine Eternal Spirit.

warmest regards michael an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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