Thursday 4 July 2024



Part two entitled WON is about the reversal of the word NOW, now is about motion

and the relative universe . NOW means Absolute Spirit  in motion .  WON  (ONE) 

means absolute spirit in stillness divine motionlessness absolute intelligence 

unexpressed . All life at the singularity point of reference is motionless and (WON)

but when the singularity point is moved by the TORQUE  of life and evolutions 

impulse it becomes within  the domain of the infinite now of motioning life. 

All life, all of humanity is "WON" with GOD Absolute intelligence, the word 

"WON"  means ALL of expression universally , ALL dissolves back into "WON"

wholeness. WON equals stillness eternal being . NOW  equals motion and relative

life. All life is WON within Absolute Intelligent Spirit, not ONE but (WON),  When

we can understand what NOW  really is, we will fully understand what life and 

spirit actually are. Life is Spirit being expressed in what we call NOW (GOD)  and

Spirit is "WON" which means eternal stillness , motionlessness. All Life universally

rotates around the NOW which spells out NEGOTIATING OUR WAY, through 

life =motioning. When we look within ourselves we are then beginning to touch

our BASE LINE  we then come up against the REVERSAL of NOW into its 

Polar opposite which is WON  (great Spirit)  here in this inner silence we are

uplifted into the eternal peace of ALLNESS within the WON.NOW  is the 

universal monitor which is motionless and eternal. it is the invisible MONOLITH

a point of singularity that all universal life TORQUES around its invisible embrace.

WON is our inner being-NOW is our motioning being, outwardly NOW, inwardly 


warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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