Friday 26 July 2024



This blog today entitled SOURCE is about how all life all the stars all the planets

and all the universe all come from just ONE Absolute SOURCE. This ONE 

Absolute SOURCE REIGNS SUPREME within everything that is present within

this universe . All life universally could be called that of "SOURCE-LETS", as

all life universally arises from within the matrix of that SOURCE. This then poses

a question of if everything arises out from SOURCE , then it must also be eternal

and intelligent, which would include all the stars and planets as intelligent  forms of life.

We need to understand that everything in this universe is wholly connected to the all

in ALL which is the SOURCE. Literally every atom in this universe is connected to

the ALL in ALL. Quantum entanglement science talks about particles being connected

at a distance, what they will further discover is that every atom every life is all 

entangled within everything else. The infinity of space is basically a  limitless ocean

of pulsating intelligent energy, and all life stars and planets all arise out of this INFINITE

SOUP of intelligent energy and occupy space by its presence within it. Humanity which

SELF  AWARENESS and is at the APEX POINT of its evolution cycle, can now begin 

to see , feel, and understand this most vital connection to SOURCE. Humanity is 

spiritually conscious beings, we have the holy spirit of SOURCE consciously within

us, and many c an feel this SOURCE as a PRESENCE within themselves. We are all

SOURCE-LETS of the one Absolute SOURCE, when we make that vital connections

we begin to see the big picture of what life really is. LOOK within yourself and make

friends with the SOURCE within you right now.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed  Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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