Tuesday 30 July 2024



This blog today entitled BOOMS is about revealing the way that life arises within

this temporal relative duality based universe. It will reveal that what we call SPACE

is in truth that of an INFINITE OCEAN of MIND, and within this infinite ocean of

MIND, all life arises out of this MINDFUL OCEAN. We need to go back to the 

beginning to see the BIG PICTURE. This universe is basically and actuality a 

PRODUCT of MIND,  this universe was THOUGHT INTO BEING, by an 


to arise and this Motional Thought Intention Wave gave BIRTH to this universe.

So now we see that what we call SPACE is actually that of an Infinite Ocean of

MIND, and within this infinite ocean lies all natural laws of this universe. Here 

the law of evolution came on line aeons ago , here we need to understand that

life is much more expanded than we think. Because everything within the ocean

of mind is ALIVE, meaning that it has atomic vibration, so all the stars and planets

are all alive. This limitless ocean of MIND which we call SPACE is vibrating to

the tune of OM/AUM  a vibrating living OCEAN of potentiality. All life 

humanity as well all "ARISE" from WITHIN this OCEAN of MIND (SPACE(

and as we arise out of this OCEAN , we then OCCUPY  it by our physical presence

within this ocean. LIFE is LIKE a "VISIBLE WAVE" a "CREST" that rises up 

out of the ocean of invisibility mind STUFF, and into visible embodiment within 

the relative universe, We need to be mindful that only about 1% of our life the 

physicality is visible, there is an invisible electromagnetic light waves , that are 

also part of our complete package of presentation, we do not see our Astral body

for instance! Humanity in particular are all presented within five  KOSHIC sheaths

we only see the physical  dense body, but not the other four that make up our

full presentation upon the Earth plane. BOOMS is about knowing that we are

all SPIRIT  having a relative MIND experience within five elemental KOSHIC

STEATHS., which permit Spirit to enter into this density.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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