Thursday 18 July 2024


This blog today spells out the word ASPIRE the dictionary meaning of this

word ASPIRE states this "TO RISE HIGH, MOVE UPWARDS". this blog

today is about how we can all "RISE HIGH and MOVE UPWARDS" if we

venture within ourselves and seek out the true nature of who and what we

truly are. "WE" are all the Absolute SELF (GOD/Brahman)  undergoing a 

relative expression as a hum an being. BUT we do not know this universal

realization,  because within all of humanity we have a dense blanket of 

ignorance  within us all that blinds us from FULL SELF KNOWING.

"WE" all have a duality within us, first is the lower self, which is our ego and

personality, and the distorted illusion of having a thing called individuality.

The lower self  consists of your memory from birth, the effect of your parents

and relatives, your personal history that defines who you think you are. Then

you have within you a HIGHER SELF which is your direct connection to

universal wisdom and the realization of who you truly are. Our Higher SELF

is Divine Eternal Spirit, your TRUE Divine BEING. Your lower self is a 

temporal phenomenon that  only lasts until you FULLY WAKE UP  into

yor true IMMORTAL BEING. Outwardly we are all phenomenal temporal

reality limited being. Inwardly we are all ETERNAL UNBORN SPIRIT

limitless and omnipresent. "WE" are all Eternal Spirit,, your physical body

is "NOT YOU"!!!  It is ONLY A  VEHICLE to permit you to become expressed

in this dense physical realm. THE REAL YOU  is SPIRIT ETERNALNEVER BORN

Intelligent omnipresent ENERGY. This reality that many don't want you to know is

the "WE are all GOD DIVINE SELF and we know it NOT! , Through our gross

ignorance of our TRUE SPIRITUAL NATURE.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


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