Friday 19 July 2024



This blog today entitled UNTIL will ask the question of how can UNEMBODIED

NOTHINGNESS TRANSFIGURE INTO LIFE?  and this blog will then give an

answer to this question. What is unembodied nothingness? And how can this 

nothingness transfigure into LIFE?  Unembodied nothingness is that of ABSOLUTE

MIND, which many call GOD/ SOURCE/Great Spirit. This Absolute Mind (nothingness

SPIRIT) moved into motion by manifesting an INTENTION THOUGHT WAVE , this

was the CAUSELESS CAUSE that gave birth to all universal motion (ENERGY) and

to this universe as well. From NO-THING (SPIRIT)  came all that is, the universe and

all life within it. From that thought intention wave came MOTION and the expression 

of thought that became what we call that of Intelligent Energy. when intelligent energy

is condensed by being within a singularity vortex it then becomes what we call life,

The Transfiguring process of that of pure Spirit Intelligence becoming condensed

and localized into this relative space time continuum . Spirit becomes transfigured 

into substance . The spirit NOUMENON becomes visible by an unimaginable force 

of a singularity vortex, which super compresses pure intelligent energy (SPIRIT)

into a phenomenal LIFE FORM  . The equation which explains this is that from

ABSOLUTE NO-THING -NESS becomes the Infinite  ALL-NESS  of universal

LIFE.  ALL "THINGS" ARISE from ONE THING ONLY.  What we call life is

really that of Divine SPIRIT  being presented upon the "STAGE of MOTIONALITY"

(RELATIVITY)  clothed within a cloth of many colours (divine SPRCTRUM of

LIGHT) we call KOSHIC sheaths . UNTIL is about knowing what life actually "IS"

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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