Wednesday 24 July 2024



This blog today entitled SHEILD is about how all Life universally is protected

by the HOLY SHEILD of Divine Presence, which is vouchsafed within every

presented life form in this universe. The SELF (spirit-eternal limitless-force)

or GOD for short, is wholly present in every form of life in this universe, the

pure essence of all life is that of eternal spirit. The presented physical format

of life is made up from a cooperative of intelligent  energies called the Elementals

which we call that of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and the ethereal element , these five 

elements are the relative elemental intelligences which act on behalf of the Absolute

SELF, as a relative law of the ONE SPIRIT SELF.   All life universally is presented

by the elemental intelligences , the KOSHIC SHEATHS that make up the elemental

coverings are all relative based living (vibrational) intelligent energies , but the inner

core of all life is that of Eternal  Spirit SELF, there is an Atomic atom anchor within

all expressed life that directly connects the life form to its Absolute Source.

All of humanity has this connecting ATOM a divine deposit deep within our inner

MATRIX. This HOLY PRESENCE lives and dwells within every human being, all

we need to do to connect to  this holy presence is to revert our gaze from outward to

inward, to look within our SELF and find that Higher SELF deep within you. LIFE

is basically SPIRIT clothed in KOSHIC SHEATHS and being presented upon the

STAGE of  MOTIONAL TEMPORALITY in order to gain insight and experience

of tangible life and the interactions that occur from being tangible. SHEILD is about

what you REALLY ARE when all the KOSHIC SHEATHS are removed ???????.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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