Saturday 6 July 2024



This blog today entitled IDEA is about uncovering the reality of just what 

life really is, and that the very IDEA of being an INDIVIDUAL will be seen

as completely ABSURD, when we fully understand the true nature of who

and what we really are, as opposed to who we think we are..  First we need to

look at what life consists of  which is Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, so

life is that of being intelligent energy , if we ask where did this intelligence

come from?  That seems to be the matrix of all energy , we will find that it is 

from the SOURCE of all LIFE , which is the Divine SELF (GOD) Brahman.

All universal energy which is the BACK BONE of all presented life universally 

is fully connected and interconnected t all universal energy . One Intelligent Energy

runs this universe. One Energy is Life, one energy is that of humanity. So how can we

possibly be that of an individual? Are we not all fully connected to each other by 

that invisible energy field?  Our bodies are made of star dust, given to us by the 

elemental intelligences of Earth-Air-Fire-Water- and the Ethereal element , we as

humanity have all got the same energy KOSHIC sheaths that cover over our Divine

Essence which is Spirit. There is no S at the end of SPIRIT, there is but ONE SPIRIT

as "WE" are all that "ONE SPIRIT" fragmented  into eight billion FACETS of 

intelligent ENERGY and calling ourselves Humanity. "WE" are that IDEA formulated

out of intelligent energy in the shape of a human being and living our lives and in so doing

beginning to find out who we really are. Inwardly we are all eternal unborn Spirit (GOD)

outwardly we are human beings gathering experiences of tangible life.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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