Tuesday 9 July 2024



This blog today entitled IMAGE is about how an IDEA that arose within the 

ABSOLUTES MIND of the SELF/GOD brought about the MOTIONING of

Divine Thought that spiralled out from the SOURCE  of ALL , and went onto 

manifest the universe and the principle of all LIFE. The word Life and that of

existence are both connected to the relative principle of atomic vibratory motion.

If you remove the atomic vibration , you remove the life principle and also the 

existence, and what is left is that of SPIRIT. THE IMAGE  that makes SPIRIT

ALIVE is MOTION, remove the MOTION  and what you have is Eternal Unborn

SPIRIT. We need to fully understand that the word LIFE and existence are both

TEMPORAL  TERMS relative. But  the Divine principle behind all life is

neither Temporal  or relative for SPIRIT who is the ANIMATOR of ALL LIFE

is ABSOLUTE eternal unborn REALITY. "WE" that of humanity are in essence

both transcendent of LIFE and EXISTENCE , we are ALL ETERNAL SPIRIT in

essence. Life and existence were both born aloft that PRIMORDIAL thought IDEA

intention wave,  that manifested this universe, a TEMPORAL IMAGE of its Absolute

MIND.   What we all call LIFE is the elemental vehicles like our physical body and our

astral body, which interpenetrates our physical vehicle. plus the other three vehicles of

expression we all have making a five fold elemental expression of cohered intelligent

energy. "WE" are all  "IMAGES" in the MIND of the ONE, each one of us is ETERNAL

SPIRIT, our inner BEING has never been born and CANNOT EVER CEASE TO BE

All LIFE is eternal , which is the inner MATRIX , the body vehicle rots away and is 

returned back into the elements it came from but YOU dear reader of this blog  are an

eternal BEING, fear not, for you will be forever ETERNAL UNBORN SPIRIT..

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks

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