Thursday 11 July 2024



This blog today entitled MIND is about understanding what this MIND really is.

There are about eight billion human beings on this planet , which means we have

eight billion separate brains , but ONLY ONE MIND between all of us. Our brains

are biological computers which regulate our bodies , and brings about conscious awareness;

We are all aware and conscious , but  there is no such a thing as "my Mind" or "your mind"

there is only ONE MIND in this universe, and we all tune into this ONE MIND. The

NUMEN word used in this blogs title means in LATIN "divinity" or "divine Presence"

well within each human being lies a divine presence that is within the core of our 

inner presented matrix. All of humanity has a divine presence within themselves. The

way to make contact with this divine inner presence is to look within yourself and seek

out that inner SELF that lies beneath your surface ego centred personality. Meditation is

an excellent way of doing this. MIND is MAGNIFICENT and infinite and we all tune

into it daily, the level and depth we penetrate this infinite mind , depends on us. If we

can enter into the silence within us, let go of  all thoughts, we then begin to go deeper 

and deeper into this infinite ocean of Divine MIND. We are all totally submerged 

within mind ,  it is an invisible ocean of energy that is hyper intelligent and aware.

LIFE  is MIND being expressed into a formalised way, becoming condensed and

made tangible, like you and me. The ocean of MIND in invisible and intangible 

but very real and all KNOWING. Humanity tunes into COSMIC MIND and begins 

a journey of  SELF KNOWING.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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