Monday 15 July 2024



This blog today entitled TOO is about how all life is presented within this

universe. Humanity is presented in a three fold TRINITY based expression.

We are all physical, mental, and spiritual beings. A trinity expression that will

always resolve back into its essence which is ONE SINGULAR ABSOLUTE

INTELLIGENT ENERGY.  Behind all life universally is that of absolute 

intelligent energy. From this ONE invisible intelligent energy NOUMENON 

comes the trinity based phenomenon expression of which we call life. The word

LIFE means Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy. That is what ALL LIFE is 

universally. All life is basically and factually a TRINITY OF ONE. One life

that is physical has intelligence, and its essence is that of Divine SPIRIT.

Within mankind lies a trinity of three colours that represent the full expression 

of Divine SPIRIT and what we have VOUCHSAFED within our inner being,

deep within our vehicle . The colour GOLD which represents wisdom, and the

father adult figure, GOLD exists within ourselves seek it thereto find that wisdom

and adulthood, WHITE is the colour of purity of being, the Divine mother, the nurtured 

inner self. and BLUE  is the colour of conscious awareness  and inner knowing,

represented by the son figure. All these three trinities of colour are all found within

YOUR SELF, within your AURA and inner SUBTLE expressions. Our bodies are made

of condensed LIGHT. The trinity colours that are the primal colours of all inner life

universally are that of GOLD WHITE and BLUE. These are the colours of Divine

Singular SPIRIT, which is that of ABSOLUTE INTELLIGENCE. TOO  is about 

looking deeply within your self and seeking out the reality of just who and what you

really are, which is UNBORN ETERNAL SPIRIT,

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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