Thursday 25 July 2024



This blog today entitled STARTS is about how we can begin a process that

will begin to shed light on our inner being , and eventually begin to show us

by uncovering hidden truths within us, who and what we really are.

As we journey through life and build up many differing experiences some

happy times, and some sad and upsetting times. These experiences can begin

to make us question the nature of life, and what it really means to us. When we 

look within ourselves and question things, we are beginning to uncover stuff that

lies deep within us all. The truth of who you really are will begin to seep into your

self aware consciousness, feelings will arise within you that begin to question 

the very nature of this life and who you really are. If we then feel moved to take

up meditation or yoga we will then begin to speed up the process of full inner knowing.

We will find that if we probe deeply within ourselves ,  we will begin to become aware

of a layer of ignorance that dwells within us, these layers of ignorance casts a veil over

our ability to see and understand our true spirit  inner nature. As we turn the spotlight

on this inner layer , we will begin to realize that we are now in the process of 

uncovering who and what we really are "PERSISTENCE pays off"  as we go deeper

into our SELF the truth about our true nature will begin to ARISE from deep within

us. We are not learning anything, rather we are uncovering the truth within us, which

has been buried under a layer of ignorance. STARTS is about finding out your true 

true divine spirit nature. By looking deeply within yourself. The truth of your divine 

nature will come and arise within your waking consciousness. Then you will know your

true immortal divine inner nature.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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