Wednesday 31 July 2024


This blog today entitled SOIL is about locating the SOURCE of the SELF which

resides within us all. Our third dimensional presentation here upon planet Earth

encompasses a sequence that will present as that of an "appearance" of having 

a duality of selves. We seem to find the lower self which is our ego and personality

with the idea of being an individual, and we also have our true eternal real Higher

SELF, which mostly remains obscured by a dense blanket of ignorance and our 

fixation with forever looking outwards and hardly ever bothering to look within

ourselves. SOIL is about changing our focus from outward looking to beginning

to look within, and take up the practice of yoga or meditation. Meditation and yoga

will begin a sequence of uncovering what lies within you. Beyond all thought and 

activity lies the silent inner HIGHER SELF, which is that of Divine Intelligence.

We are all far more than just biological intelligent machines , we are all presented 

upon this planet via five layers of dimensional density each layer denser that the one

above it until we reach full density in this physical realm. These hidden layers are

like a blanket of ignorance that obscure our real immortal inner nature, by taking 

up the practice of meditation you will begin to become acquainted with the hidden

parts of your inner SELF. When we can let all thoughts go, and enter into that inner

silence , we will then be drawing near to our true immortal inner higher SELF, our

lower self is temporal and dies with the body, while your higher SELF  is eternal

and will carry you out of your physical body at death and FERRY YOU into the 

ASTRAL REALM  within your ASTRAL BODY which coexists within your 

physical body. We owe it to our REAL HIGHER SELF  to find out what lies within

us ALL! 

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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