Monday 22 July 2024



This blog today entitled HIGHEST is about mankind being able to fully realize 

this most valuable  faculty we all have vouchsafed within us, and this is our

INTUITION . Which when contacted consciously by us will then become our 

very own Personal divine inner GURU , which will personally open up that 

inner door within us that will lead to inner knowledge of our true SELF.

We do not need to seek or search outside of ourselves  for the answer of the

question of "WHO AM I REALLY? Because each one of us has our very own

PERSONAL GURU, who is there right now within you. INTUITION "means to

be taught from within" an d that teacher within us is our INTUITION. We need to

make a practice of daily meditation or yoga and we need to be able to sit in inner

silence without thoughts. So we need to practice meditation yoga and become able

to let go of all thoughts ,when we can do this we will be able to tune into our 

intuition . Some call our INTUITION  "that still small voice within us" this

inner voice is that of our HIGHER SELF. When we can realize that we have this

inner Divine teacher within us, which is our GURU who really is our HIGHER

SELF. All the questions you may have will be fully answered by your GURU,

You will tune into divine wisdom and inner knowing, you will not be learning 

anything, but rather you will be UNCOVERING what lies deep within you 

buried within layers of ignorance . HIGHEST is about you being able to TUNE IN

to your inner self and begin to know your true immortal divine Identity. Your 

INTUITION will open the DOOR  within you and your personal GURU will guide

you into knowing your true HIGHER SELF.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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