Sunday 28 July 2024



This blog today entitled SPIRIT is about the identity of the SEEKER who is

presenting into relativity? And the meaning of the word "INFORMED". to me

the word means literally to be "FORMED FROM WITHIN" which then begs

the question of what is the IDENTITY of the "INFORMER"? Which when we 

find that out will then realize the TRUTH!  The word SPIRIT holds the clue here, 

because when we go behind the presentation of all life , and then deeply inquire

who and what is the nature of this universal presentation? We will then come to a

certain conclusion. That there is an Absolute Intelligence at work here and it is 

plain to if we look deeply into it. We will begin to see that this "SEEKERS" inner

nature is that of Divine Intelligence what we call  SPIRIT. That all life outwardly

is relative phenomenon , and inwardly that of invisible NOUMENON which is Spirit

some call this GOD or BRAHMAN. The truth about what life is all about  will come

very clear to you when you then know the true nature of the SEEKER  which in our

case being human beings means to look within and find out the identity of the 

SEEKER that dwells within you right NOW!!!! All universal life, all human life

is about SPIRIT (GOD) being presented upon the "STAGE OF MANIFESTATION"

and being then able to experience what tangible life is like. The Absolute intelligent

eternal unborn SELF SPIRIT is omnipresent and ubiquitous it cannot touch anything

relative or experience anything at all. Unless it becomes LOCALIZED and presented

within an "INFORMED" vehicle  and then presented upon the "stage of manifestation"

via a singularity vortex which localizes the Spirit into a singularity point of reference

which in our case is YOU and ME!

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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