Saturday 27 July 2024



This blog today entitled PORE-SOS spells out the sequence that all life is

presented within this relative universe. The Principle of relative expressions 

is that of Absolute MIND of the SELF, which is that of SPIRIT or GOD,

which portrays this SELF as that of  Absolute intelligence and the SOURCE

of all WISDOM. All life that is presented in this universe , and here it needs

mentioning that this entire universe is FULLY ALIVE meaning that it has atomic

motion (just like you and me) so all the stars and planets are all fully alive  and 

intelligent. There is ZERO dead  things in this universe.. all is atomically alive

and vibrating, (just like we are?)  That is the PORE part of this blog, now moving

onto the SOS  which spells out SHADOWS OF SELF , this means quite simply 

that all LIFE in this universe which includes all the stars and planets is presented 

as that of SHADOWS OF THE SELF (spirit invisible) Life is the visible representation

the phenomenon of that invisible essence of life which is the NOUMENON(SELF)

Spirit in essence is omnipresent and motionlessness, in order for spirit motionless

Source to become MOVED it has to be become  "QUICKENED" by an Intention

thought WAVE within absolute MIND . That Primordial intention thought WAVE

that gave birth to this universe ,  also gave motion to spirit by cloaking it within the

thought wave intention which acted as a cloak (KOSHIC SHEATH) . Life universally 

is presented as a living shadow of an invisible intelligent spirit FORCE. Humanity

consists of eight billion walking shadows of the inner divine HOLY LIGHT  of divine

spirit. Outwardly we are all shadows that have relative substance and tangibility,

but deep within us all is that divine spirit LIGHT of the holy SELF. Life consists of

solid shadows which science say is impossible?

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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