Monday 1 July 2024



This blog today entitled WANS is about how life "WE" are all expressed within

the NOW  which is that of a singularity point of reference  the reference point is

the embodied vehicle that has emerged into this localized space time continuum.

LIFE "WE" you and me , are all the "NOW" (no-thing only wisdom) materialised

and condensed into tangible intelligent energy, which "WE" call that of humanity.

The Absolute Eternal NOW is fully present within this relative universe. THE NOW

is absolute and transcendent and also localized within the point of your reference

into subjectivity, which is your localized vehicle of expression into this relative 

space time continuum. The mystery of NOW is revealed that NOW is Absolute

SOURCE. absolute Intelligence, , this Absolute intelligence seeks out a relative

expression  of its  SELF and the NOW is the way that this is done. All eight billion

human beings are all eight billion reference points of the ONE Absolute NOW.

NOW  means "NO THING only Wisdom" the NO THING is what "WE all ARE"

NO THING  equates directly  to ALL THING and ALL THINGS is NOW  or GOD

Absolute. All life universally is all anchored within  the singularity of the absolute

NOW. WE all rotate around the point of NOW , which is eternally motionlessness

the NOW never moves , it is life relativity that seems to move with atomic vibration.

The MOTION is the IDEA within NOW  (absolute mind) that beings about motion 

from motionlessness .   "WE" move through the stillness of now gaining experience

of tangible expression. WANS is about knowing what NOW really is .When we know

NOW we wake up!

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this b log resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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