Friday 5 July 2024



This blog today entitled SOS is about that Infinite Ocean  that fully embraces all

life, all stars, and all planets, the infinite ocean we call Space. The ancient MAXIM

which states that "SPACE IS AN ENTITY" comes into play here with the formulation

of this current blog.  SPACE is the "WOMB OF ALL LIFE" from which all phenomenal

life emerges out from , here life includes all planets and stars, as they too are life. It is

no coincidence that many call our planet Earth as GAIA because Earth is as alive as you

and me. The singularity of space that infinite fluidic expanse of intelligent energy is 

the ocean of LIFE BECOMING  phenomenal  and relative. Here we need to understand

that life is Living- Intelligent-Focused- Energy, and the ESSENCE  of ALL LIFE universally

is that of ETERNAL SPIRIT. SPIRIT which dwells within the ABSOLUTE which lies 

beyond the barrier of SPACE, all space is an infinity ocean of relative divine intelligence.

All life emerges out of space as a singularity point of reference . SPIRIT seeking motional

expression approaches the barrier of space, and then instructs space to manifest whatever

life form it wishes to become, whether to be a planet, star, human being, or a whale on the

high seas of life. When spirit instructs space to its goal as a life form Space then 

summons the elemental intelligences to gather the KOSHIC sheaths that life about 

to be formed needs. When this is done  a singularity vortex opens up and thereby 

condenses pure spirit essence into that of the chosen life form, We human beings 

are all attached to SPACE and occupy  it by our presence within it. SOS is our 

journey into BEING-HOOD.

regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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