Sunday 7 July 2024



This blog today entitled HIVES is about our inner voice that lies beyond 

the reach of our lower self  which is ego centred and personality based, it

lies beyond the illusion of ones individuality. This inner voice is the voice

of  Divine Spirit SELF. The name SELF stands for SPIRIT-ETERNAL

LIMITLESS-FORCE, this SELF which is eternal and limitless is who

you really ARE!  The injunction from the BIBLE PSALMS 46-10 says 

" BE still and KNOW that I AM GOD", we all our "I AM" ARE WE NOT!

The ancient wisdom states the the SELF says to mankind, "I AM closer to

you than your hands and feet, and you know we NOT"!  Humanity fails to 

know who they really are, mostly out of ignorance and also out of fear. All

of humanity is the SELF/GOD and we know it not!  We fail to notice that 

our inner voice is actually the voice of SELF/GOD, because that is who "WE"

all "ARE" When we say "my voice" who is this "MY" that has a voice??

If you probe deeply within yourself you will see plainly who that "MY" really

is, which is SELF/GOD. What does MY SELF really mean? To the vast 

majority of us it means our ego personality lower self that is speaking , this is

the voice of ignorance of real BEING. HIVES is about knowing that our inner

voice our deep inner thoughts are all arising out from  our Higher SELF which

is GOD. Our inner voice is the VOICE OF DIVINE BEING  filtered through

the prism of our physical vehicle which is our hum an body. Absolute Intelligence 

has brought about life universally . Humanity has all awakened to the fact that

we are all I AM SELF AWARE, we need to move on from I AM SELF AWARE 

of my lower ego centred self , and embrace now our HIGHER I AM SELF which

is divine SPIRIT, we all our eternal Divine SELF, having a human experience.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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