Saturday 13 July 2024



This blog today entitled RISK is about understanding that there is "NO PLURALITY

in ABSOLUTE REALITY", plurals only "SEEM" to exist within our relative limited

understanding of Motional atomic energy being universally expressed. If we look

at the word LIFE this is in the singular, there is just ONE LIFE FORCE universally

expressed. When we look at the word THINGS with a plural added what does this mean ?

If we ask the question of what are all things made of? We will be approaching the

singular answer. All thing(s) are made of ONE THING which is that of condensed 

energy, ONE ENERGY universally abundant can produce an infinite amount  of

DIVERSITY, but all these infinite diverse thing(s) all dissolve into ONE universal

universal matrix which is ENERGY.  There is no such a thing as MIND(S) in the 

plural , there is only ONE SINGULAR MIND  in this universe, which even transcends

this universe and that is ABSOLUTE MIND which all of humanity tune into. There

is no MY MIND, or YOUR MIND. only universal ONE singular MIND. There is only

ONE SPIRIT ABSOLUTE, there is no such a thing as SPIRIT(S). ONE Singular

Intelligent Absolute SOURCE in which all life tune into. Absolute connectivity all 

is connected  to ALL. Quantum entanglement  really means that there is ONLY ONE

THING in motion universally , and that one thing which is Absolute Intelligence

is manifested into countless billions of diversity expressions, ONE LIFE,ONE ENERGY.

ONE INTELLIGENCE, ONE MIND, ONE THING. all dissolve into  the Absolute MATRIX

Of Absolute INTELLIGENCE. RISK is about understanding the reality that lies beneath

the illusion of PLURALITY of THINGS.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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