Tuesday 23 July 2024


This blog today entitled POINTS is about the Absolute Power of INTENTION , and

by that Absolute Power this relative universe was THOUGHT INTO BEING.

All life is a basic product of Absolute thought within Absolute MIND. The Primordial

thought wave was the CAUSELESS CAUSE that brought motion (THOUGHT) out

of Absolute stillness and into that of becoming Intelligent Energy. The SELF (absolute

SOURCE) is the primal essence that causes all life to arise within this universe.

All life enters into relativity by way of a SPIRAL all life TORQUES  into relativity

by Absolute Intention . Life is presented into phenomenal expression by way of a 

singularity vortex , which takes Spirit essence and condenses it into a tangible bundle

of vibrating intelligent energy (LIFE). All life in essence is SPIRIT, spirit is the 

absolute primal Principle , no other thing EXISTS in reality other than SPIRIT.

Pure Absolute Spirit is motionlessness (omnipresent) , and spirit presented as life

is MOTIONAL and has vibration. All life is that of TORQUING SELF, spirit in

essence. Spiral intelligent energy is the rotating cycle of all presented life universally

our lives rotate in a spiral formation . We are all slowly TORQUING into an expanded

understanding  of who and what we really are. POINTS is about how we can understand

this motioning process of life and more importantly peer into the invisible essence of

all presented life and uncover our true IMMORTAL Divine NATURE. We need to fully

realize the absolute power of THOUGHT INTENTION. Our thoughts have immense

power, so we need to become aware and mindful of our thoughts. Divine thought with

Absolute FOCUSED INTENTION manifested this relative  universe. WE all have the

power of thought , how are we using this power today?

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


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