Wednesday 17 July 2024



This blog today entitle UP is about that UBIQUITOUS PRESENCE that abides

everywhere within this universe. What is this Presence?  What is its Nature? We

could call it an "UNEMBODIED NOTHINGNESS"  that has the ability of 

being Infinitely Intelligent and also that of being omnipresent. Some would

call this PRESENCE that of GOD or Divine SPIRIT. We need to understand 

that that all life universally is the very embodiment of this invisible PRESENCE.

Life is made up of intelligent energy being presented in some form or shape ,whether

it be animal ,  insect. or vegetable, or mankind/ This intelligent energy is also omnipresent

much like space?  Within human beings it is possible to actually make conscious contact

with this invisible presence. Our higher SELF is actually a point a Divine ATOM  that 

is anchored within our inner presented matrix centred in  the heart chakra. We can 

actually FEEL this HOLY PRESENCE within us, I have felt it for over fifty years .

It resides within every human being. Look deeply within your self. LOOK beyond

your ego and personality. Deep within you now dear reader is YOUR PERSONAL

CONNECTION to this Divine inner Presence. DON'T take my word for it, LOOK

within YOUR SELF and then you will find this UBIQUITOUS PRESENCE it is

part of who you REALLY ARE. The spiritual ATOM the Divine Presence lives within

all eight billion human beings . Tune into your INTUITION faculty , your intuition 

will directly connect you to your inner true SELF which is where the Presence is FOUND.

UP is about finding out what you have on board within you, we are all PRESENCE with

a physical body vehicle.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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