Friday 12 July 2024



This blog today entitled APP is about how awareness is primordial , and that 

consciousness is that of a duality based reflective principle. Awareness is 

primordial, it is the original state, beginningless, endless, uncaused, unsupported,

without parts, and without change, whereas consciousness is on contact , a 

reflection against a surface, a state of duality. There can be no consciousness

without awareness,  but there can be awareness without consciousness. Awareness

is absolute, while consciousness is that of relativity localized into this universes

space time continuum. Awareness PURITY is transcendent of all thought, thoughts

only appear within the medium of mind which is an aspect  of consciousness.

AWARENESS is what we really are when all  "TRACE OF US" vanishes and only

Awareness remains.. PURE AWARENESS equals that of Absolute Intelligent SPIRIT.

"WE" are all awareness embodied by reflective consciousness and made tangible by

a singularity vortex condensing Intelligent Energy (spirit) into matter and mindfulness.

Life can be seen as (condensed awareness) and condensed awareness can be understood

as that of relative consciousness. There is an APP for all occasions today, but life was

the FIRST PRIMAL APP  which was DOWNLOADED into relativity by Absolute

MIND AEONS AGO. LIFE is the original PRIMAL APP  and we are all here to 

realize the HUMAN APP!  Awareness holds us all in its INCLUSIVE Absolute

Embrace , we are all SAFE an d SECURE  within the BOSOM of AWARENESS

which is eternally STILL and MOTIONLESS, while its reflective consciousness moves

us all along in its WAKE?

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates wihin you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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