Wednesday 3 July 2024



This blog today will be in two parts, the first part entitled NOW represents the

relative aspect of the infinite NOW, this is the one which we all negotiate through

the process of gathering experiences. In part two there will be an explanation of

the opposite of this relative universe which will be represented as the reversal of

the "NOW" into its polar opposite of NOW ,which is "WON". THIS WON (ONE)

will be the stillness that lies behind all relative motions. Part ONE is about  the waking

up process that we all go through over many life times within the reincarnation process.

We keep on negotiating our way through many lives incarnating and searching through

endless experiences, to find what we are all fundamentally looking for? 

We need to understand that what we are all looking for is who and what we really are.

When we fully know that reality we can then cancel out the endless repetition of the 

incarnation process. If we pay attention to the injunction in the BIBLE  which states

"BE STILL. and know that I AM GOD" If and when we realize that "WE" are all

"WON "not ONE but "WON" GOD or Divine Spirit. Our inner CORE MATRIX

is that "WON BEING", The opposite of NOW but we all fail to realize this universal

truth, and so we go up and down to visit the astral realms back to and fro endless times

because we have not fully been awakened negotiating our way,,  NOW is about waking

up to all this relative motion , and look within for the eternal stillness which will be

coming in part two tomorrow,

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

In this resonates within you then plesae pass it onto your family and friends thanks,

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