Thursday 22 August 2024



This blog today entitled WOMB is about how that Primordial WORD that MARKED

the beginning of all MOTION and went onto manifest a relative universe. WOMB

is about how all life and existence came to be BORN ALOFT a Primordial THOUGHT

WAVE from within the Absolute MIND  of the SOURCE. Before the beginning there

was absolute Silence and Motionlessness, all that was in PRESENCE was the Absolute

SOURCE of ALL there IS. DARKNESS was upon the FACE of Absolute VOID.

Then the SOURCE gave Birth to an IDEA this Divine Absolute IDEATION gave 

birth to MOTION, MOTION was that Primordial WORD, that gave birth to the

universe and all life and existence that was born out of that WOMB of IDEATION! 

Divine Spirit SELF absolute and eternally SINGULAR in PRESENCE , Brought 

about MOTION  so that it could partake in motional activities  like LIFE and 

Existence. The SELF  being Absolute and omnipresent never moves because being

ubiquitous there is NO-WHERE it could go ! Only by becoming Localized within

this relative universe space time continuum can Spirit take on the cloak of KOSHIC 

sheaths and become embodied with a tangible vehicle so that it can experience relative

life and existence. This is what Humanity actually "IS" "WE" are all SPIRIT in essence

covered over by five layers of dimensional density that permit our presence to be born 

on this planet Earth. "WE" all left the WOMB of absolute ALLNESS long long

ago AEONS have passed through the evolution sequence of expression and now Humanity

is about to wake up and REALIZE THEIR TRUE SELF. We are all gradually waking

up and realizing that we all our Immortal Spirit in essence, our LONG journey nears 

its end.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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