Saturday 24 August 2024



This blog today entitled REIGNS is about what and who Humanity actually are

in essence? The reality that is enfolded within the inner Graced NUMEN is the 

outer appearance of the Divine Supreme SELF, or the SOURCE of all there is

in this universe. The word NUMEN which is embedded in this blogs title means

"A PRESIDING DIVINITY" (NUMEN).   That is actually what all of humanity

actually "IS" a Presiding Divinity within a human biological  machine body , which

acts as a vehicle for the inner Divinity to use and gain purchase in this dense physical

realm .Humanity REIGNS supreme over all life here on earth , however so many of us

think  that our humanity gives us this power to reign over all life on Earth, but this is a 

false assumption born out of ignorance of our true Divine inner nature. When we can

begin to know our true inner SELF  we will see this fact very clearly. Because of our 

intelligence and self awareness we then innocently  misidentify our true self as the 

human being vehicle, because we are not taught the true nature of our being  by our

education facilities. What actually reigns supreme is that inner Divine SELF your Higher

SELF that lies deep within your PSYCHE, that is who we all our really. A clue here lies

in the BIBLE where GOD said to MOSES tell them that "I AM" sent you, when Moses

asked who shall I say sent me LORD?  I AM is the name of SELF /GOD /SOURCE

and all of humanity uses this I AM prefix like I AM John Smith? The I AM is the Spirit

that animates our physical body vehicles. LOOK within  find that NUMEN within you

it will identify as "YOUR" HIGHER SELF . ,  the Higher Self is who you really ARE

when you fully WAKE UP.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your faimily and friends Thanks.

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