Tuesday 27 August 2024


This blog today entitled UPON is about how we can come to understand that the

UNPAREALLELED PERSPECTIVE of NOTHING will reveal something that 

will truly astound us with its astonishing Simplicity. UPON when looked into very

deeply will reveal that all in this universe is one of Absolute Unification  of ALL

resulting in the FULL REALIZATION  that all in this relative universe is that of

SOLELY INTELLIGENT ENERGY , no other thing exists in this relative infinity.

This Intelligent Energy can be a solid, liquid, gas, plasma, all life in this universe is

made of intelligent energy . The matrix of this energy is that of SPIRIT pure and

simple. Spirit is motionlessness, while the relative intelligent energy is full of motion

which is that of atomic motion vibration .  The perspective of NOTHING is that it is

SPIRIT in motionless absoluteness, and Intelligent Energy while in motional vibrating

atoms. NO-THING is in truth Transcendent of THING, it is Absolute motionless 

SPIRIT, which is transcendent of all existence and WAY BEYOND  the TEMPORAL

CONCEPT of LIFE. It stands Supreme as that which is ALL within the ALL. Humanity

is at the point where it can use the "I AM" prefix which makes mankind at the APEX

POINT  on the evolutionary ladder  that JACOB climbed when he realized his true inner

Divine nature, If we open our minds and close our eyes we will enter into a world where

energy becomes alive , we need to be mindful that consciousness is that of Intelligent 

energy, by going within we can begin to move through this intelligent energy ocean of

MIND and begin to have our own UNPARALLELED PERSPECTIVE  of the nothing

that dwells within us all. We are all Divine Energy having a human experience here on Earth

Intelligent Energy COALESCED into a physical body vehicle.

Warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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