Sunday 4 August 2024



This blog today entitled SEEKS is about a sacred principle of LIFE expression

which states very clearly in our hearts the holy words of "I AM" always with you

and you know me not"! The SOURCE of all life is WITHIN all expressed life

universally. We are all EMBRACED by ENERGY which motions all life into

being. ENERGY is the SOURCE and we know it not! If we peer behind all energy,

we find infinite intelligence and behind infinite intelligence we find the SOURCE

of all life and the source of this universe which is the SPIRIT of all Absolute Intelligence

(GOD) for short. SEEKS is about knowing SOURCE which dwells deeply within 

every human being on this planet. We each have a PRESENCE within us, this 

PRESENCE is the SOURCE SPIRIT which lies within the mind  you use to think

with. Located within your brain neurons is the connection to your INTUITION 

faculty which all of humanity have. By going within ourselves and meditating we

will open the inner door which brings your intuition on line . When this connection 

is made you will begin to "FEEL the PRESENCE" of the SOURCE within you.

When you make this HOLY contact , you will then realize and FEEL  the SOURCE

Embracing  your whole being. SEEK and you will find the SOURCE  of all life within

YOU!  All eight billion of us have this EMBRACE of the SOURCE within us, but

millions are totally unaware of this basic truth of life expression. We are all literally 

filled with source (ENERGY) and we know it not ! Maybe this blog helps you dear 

reader to find your SOURCE within you right now.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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