Tuesday 20 August 2024


This blog today entitled FOLD is about understanding what Humanity really is, and

fully realizing what the implications of this truth reveal? What is that of LOCALIZED

DIVINTY?  What does localizing mean exactly? To answer these questions we must

first accept the precept that we are all in fact Divine  meaning that all of humanity is a

condensed vehicle of intangible Divine SPIRIT . When that is accepted we can then 

answer the question of what is the meaning of Localization? The answer to that question

is that  SPIRIT in its pure state is omnipresent and ubiquitous , in order to enter into the

relative space time continuum  of this relative universe, spirit has to become condensed

into an tangible intelligent energy format and then become embodied with a tangible

physical body, which is our human vehicle body. Life universally is made of many

fields of diverse entities. The life field we all that of humanity use is here on Earth.

Humanity is human on the outside and that of spirit on the inside. Our journey through

the human life field can take many many centuries of incarnations flowing  down from

the ASTRAL realm and then becoming embodied again here on Earth, to seek out more

experiences of being a human being. This up and down into physical and astral life is about

waking up and realizing the FIELD OF PLAY? And the reason why you are here.

When we fully realize our DIVINTY and fully awaken , we can then leave this field of

expression and move onto something very different. There are many FOLDS awaiting 

throughout this universe and we can explore them all. Remember we are all ETERNAL

beings, time does not exist in reality.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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